Makhana is the most popular name in India for Euryale ferox, a flowering plant classified in the water lily family (Nymphaeaceae) and the only extant species in the genus Euryale.

It is extensively grown in marshy wetlands, tanks, ponds and lakes, and harvested for its seed. Other common names include prickly water lily seeds, popped lotus seeds, foxnut or gorgon nut.

Highly nutritious, it is a fully organic non-cereal food found principally in India (Bihar state alone accounts for 90% of world production) but also in Korea, Japan, as well as parts of eastern Russia.

Makhana is not simple crop to cultivate and special skills are required for farming, harvesting and processing. The lotus seeds are meticulously extracted and processed to make them ready to eat. In India, Makhana is famously known as Phool Makhana; due to its unique and flowery appearance.

The Facts

Nutrition and Health

Makhana is unique because it is:

  • Low in fat and high in carbohydrates which makes it nutritionally distinct from other nuts.

  • Highly rich in protein, carbohydrates, fibre, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.

  • Better than dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, coconut and cashews in terms of sugar, protein, ascorbic acid and phenol content.

  • Significantly lower in the glycemic index than most high carbohydrate foods like rice or bread.

  • Known to contain kaempferol, a natural flavonoid also found in coffee (which prevents inflammation and ageing) and are high onphyto-nutrients (disease fighting nutrients) including alkaloids, gallic acid, saponins.

Health Benefits of Makhana

Eating Makhana

The Makhana seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. 

It is most popular roasted as a snack. However the seeds when raw, can be made into a paste, which is used extensively in Chinese pastries as well as in Japanese desserts. Dried lotus seeds may be soaked in water overnight prior to use. They can then be added directly to soups, salads or used in other dishes. Puffed seeds are used in curries, kheer, puddings and dry roasted snacks.

Lotus seeds are an alternate gluten-free protein supplement and potential nutra-ceutical and pharmaceutical source. Blending its flour with other nutritionally rich legumes like daals and soybean or millets like bajra and jowar will be of immense value to develop low-cost, gluten-free, protein-rich food supplements to help in eating disorders and to combat malnutrition. 

Introducing Makhana, either roasted as a snack or raw, into your regular diet will add significant value.